Caring for Sikara Jewelry
Jewelry Care
For general Jewelry Care, please refer to our JEWELRY CARE CARD and follow instructions that correspond to your specific finish: Vermeil, Classic Sterling, Brushed Sterling, Satin Finish Matte or Copper. In general we recommend to protect and care for your jewelry by removing your jewelry when washing your hands, swimming, exercising, cleaning and before applying any kind of personal body product such as soaps, perfume, makeup, lotion, cleaning products.
We care about the quality of SIkara Jewelry and are proud of our hand-crafted pieces. In the event that your Sikara jewelry becomes damaged due to a flaw in creation, we will gladly repair the piece free of charge within 60 days of the shipping date. After that, a nominal labor / materials and shipping fee may apply. Since our jewelry is sterling silver, you can typically have it repaired at your local jewelry repair shop.
Please send us an email with a photo of the piece and the repair desired at and we will send you further instructions upon review of your repair.